8 Website Design Tips To Increase Conversions And Sales
Increasing conversion is one of the most challenging goals in e-commerce. These eight tips tend to increase sales and boost conversion rates.
Increasing conversion requires a deep understanding of consumer psychology, analysis of how users browse your website, and how your products and services are positioned within the market. However, there are some website upgrades that are key for any business out there.
Use upsell and cross-sell techniques
You can upsell by offering upgrades or related higher-end products to increase your profit margins and sales. Once a user adds a product to the cart, they can get notified of these upgraded products (i.e. “would you like to make it large fries?). Cross-selling is done by encouraging users to purchase multiple items that are frequently sold together, i.e. “would you like fries with that?”.
On the surface, these functionalities are aimed at increasing sales and revenue, but there’s more to it than simply making more money per transaction. Design elements that serve customers better by offering customized options tend to convert website visitors into loyal clients. In recent years, customers have grown to expect and desire personalized experiences. That’s why upselling and cross-selling is a win-win for both the business and the client.
Add a free shipping message or a shipping fee calculator
Shipping costs impact the purchase decision of over 50% of US customers. If you’re offering it for free, make sure that your website delivers that message loud and clear. And if the fee changes based on the number of products in the cart or total weight, consider adding a shipping fee calculator. This will show the customer how much more should be added to the cart to get free shipping. That, in turn, will incentivize customers to purchase more and increase your sales while they get free shipping.
The same applies to any relevant discount codes or other benefits such as gift wrapping. Be transparent about added fees and forthcoming about any free perks. Customers appreciate anything that adds value to their purchase, and they need to see that these bonuses are available. That in itself can be enough to persuade some visitors to make a purchase.
Add direct messaging options to get rid of the guesswork of what you offer
Direct messaging features such as a live chat functionality are becoming more and more popular. They allow customers to reach out to you and get an answer in a convenient and fast way.
Additionally, the ability to communicate before the purchase simplifies the customer service process over the long term. It allows you to avoid returns and exchange-associated costs in the future, so it is an important feature for you and your clients.
Have a modern, clean website design that fits your business goals
We’ve addressed the importance of having a clean website design many times before. If you use your website for e-commerce, your landing pages should encourage visitors to take action rather than distract them.
The “add to cart” button should be easily found; adding it to the category pages is also known to improve the conversion rate. And the most important product info should be visible on the listing pages without the need to scroll way down or search for it elsewhere.
Improve page load time
Optimizing page load time is important for the same reason. The faster your customers can get to what they’re looking for, the less likely they’ll get distracted or bored. Website conversion rates drop by an average of 4.42% with each additional second of load time.
This is why we recommend designing a custom website for our clients. Having custom code as opposed to using too many third-party apps allows pages to load faster. Additionally, it fine-tunes the available functionalities and gets the job done with less clutter, not to mention a unique looking website!
Simplify your checkout process
While some web developers tend to challenge the 3-click rule (any given goal should be reached with three clicks), there’s no doubt that a simplified checkout process leads to a higher conversion rate. Amazon’s “Buy Now” button has changed e-commerce by letting users bypass most steps of the checkout process, thereby setting a new industry standard.
Help your customers check out faster by allowing them to create a profile that saves their information. Keep the design simple and have just a few necessary fields to fill out for brand new customers.
Add a hero image
Creating the first impression is incredibly important, and the right hero image can help you with that. It is a large banner image that dominates above the fold area of your website. It is used to tell a story about your brand, communicate a message, and add emotional appeal to your website. But try to avoid using carousels that show multiple slides; most people don’t notice those extra images, and they only slow down the loading of your site.
Utilizing a branded color story can help create an instant feel of what your brand is all about. Smart use of text and relatable faces can enhance the effect. However, keep it relatively simple as it is the area that will be visible from most pages. It’s vital that it does not distract your visitors from what they’re looking for.
Add guarantees, reviews, and testimonials to increase trust
Letting new customers see what other people have to say about your company’s products is a great idea. Positive reviews raise your website’s trustworthiness and encourage new clients to try out your goods for themselves.
Establishing trust leads to higher conversion rates, so make sure to harness the power of this proven marketing tool.
Increasing ecommerce conversion rates and sales figures is a complex task. But with these eight tips, you will be on track to make your website a better selling tool for your business. And if you need any help, we will be happy to offer you any assistance. Get started by requesting a custom quote for your website today!