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RainDrops Blog: Web Design & Dev Insights

Image for Design needs to work: Design & functionality go hand in hand

Design needs to work: Design & functionality go hand in hand

A successful website needs to be both beautiful and functional in order to be considered a success

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Image for Portfolio websites: The benefits of having your own customized website

Portfolio websites: The benefits of having your own customized website

What are the benefits of investing in a portfolio website that will showcase your business's work in a way that will truly reflect your style and abilities?

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Image for Building a website: What options are out there?

Building a website: What options are out there?

There are many different options out there when choosing the type of website you want to invest in and it gets confusing.

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Image for Know your site: Preparing a website brief

Know your site: Preparing a website brief

So you want to build a website? Let’s have a look at the details that you should prepare before meeting with a web design agency.

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Image for Domains & Hosting: What are they?

Domains & Hosting: What are they?

So what is a host and a server? What is a domain name? These are two main elements needed in order to have your website show up on one's browser.

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